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Don’t Miss Your Favourite Shows This Christmas! 4 reasons You’ve Got Bad Reception

Christmas is around the corner now; no doubt you’ll be getting together with friends and family and if you have little children its all the more special! There are so many exciting aspects of Christmas for young kids; everything from the smell of the Christmas tree, seeing the presents under the tree and the magical...
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Unique & Creative Ideas for TV Wall Mount

The television has been a centre piece of the Australian household for decades now, yet until relatively recently it was not exactly a feature that would be considered all that versatile from an aesthetic perspective. Today however, televisions are large, streamlined, attractive and can be displayed in the home in a...
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Avoid the Dangers of TV Wall Mounting and Antenna Installation

For those upgrading to a new television or a television service such as digital Freeview or satellite television it can be an exciting time. No doubt you just want to unpack your new equipment and set it up as quickly as possible to you up running. However there can be unseen dangers when doing things the wrong way,...
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Be Aware - Before Attempting to Mount your TV in the wall

While at first it might seem like a good idea to DIY your TV wall mounting job, you could be in for a lot more trouble than it’s worth. While trying to mount your TV to a wall in your home yourself, there are a whole range of issues you are likely to encounter, and a number of risks you take when fixing and fitting ...
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Step By Step Wall Mount Installation Guide

So you have bought a brand new 3D TV and you’re wondering how best to set it up, but a simple TV table isn’t really going to cut it. Installing a wall-mount TV can completely change the total outlook of your room, leaving you with more free space and an area that is much easier to tidy. A simple wall mount kit come...
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Three Cutting Edge 3D TV of the Year for Home Entertainment

Television has become one of the most important mediums of communication these days with almost no home without a television, it is a feature of most people’s living rooms. Besides being utilised for communication and accessing the latest news, TV is also one of the biggest sources of entertainment. With the increas...
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TV Buying Guide for 2015

If you are in the market for a brand new television, 2015 looks set to be the best year to splash the cash to upgrade. With notable sets coming out from the top manufacturers, as well as a whole host of new-fangled technology packed into the thinnest screens ever, let’s take a look at some of the most popular televi...
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How to Hide Cables from Your Home Entertainment System

With nearly every home now containing large flat screen televisions, satellite receivers, games consoles, PVRs and DVD players, the problem of how to deal with all of those cables may occur on a regular basis. Large television sets and home entertainment systems may overpower smaller rooms, and with a host of cables...
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Top 5 DIY Ways to Improve Your Digital Television Reception

In the past, television reception was a case of delicately tuning into your favourite station to enjoy the few channels that were available at the time. Today, in the digital age, tuning your television is often done automatically within your television or set-top box. This has made poor TV reception solutions that ...
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Why You Are Missing Out On a World of Entertainment by Not Having a Smart TV

Televisions have made huge breakthroughs since the technologies inception and have now grown to become a part of everyday life in the modern world. Modern televisions have made great strides in picture quality, sound quality and the number of channels available to us, but there is one other major leap forward that i...
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